I have done several engagement, wedding, family, and portrait pictures from both in Thailand and the U.S. I have spent most of the time doing my master in Tarleton States University. If you want to hire me for taking pictures, it would be great to contact me a few week before. Also, I cannot make a long term appointment because my schedule depends on classes. But it you are really interested to hire me, please contact me through email or Facebook.
About me
I'm an international student from Thailand who came to the U.S. last year to study a master degree in business in Tarleton State University (TSU). I live in Stephenville, TX. Photography is my serious hobby since 2009 and I turned my hobby into job oppotunities in 2011. I am also working with Grassburr as a photographer for TSU yearbook.
This website will tell you about my happy life because I do not take pictures when I feel sad. I want to make this website as a personal blog to share my life experience through photography skill. I hope y'all enjoy my story.
Nat Chittamai